Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Basketball i love to do. My self portrait describes me and my life and things i love that have to do with basketball with this high school and Duke University.The darkness of the picture brings out me as a person and shows you that im in the spotlight and its my time to shine. Fire represents me being on fire in shooting during the season and for the future season hopefully to come.


The scenery I did for this quote i think explains it very well. The quote means a lot and represents something in people's lives. The background makes it inspirational and well in the favor of the quote. I used cloud stencils on this piece to make it dreamy and inspirational.

Sharks Connect

This project was very easy but enjoyable to do creating different letters and different colors for the design. Making this for the school was fun and hope they choose a great one to represent the school in a good manner. I found designs of letters online and put the on Photoshop for the lettering, and with change of color of the background everything turned out nice.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Desmos Art

This was composed of many equations. R=A and A=2 so it made a circle around it. Then i made an equation of R=Asin(n*theta) to create 4 of the rose pedals then R=Acos(n*theta) to create the other 4.
This was composed of many of different equations then the first one. R=A then A=2. Then R=3Asin(3n*3theta), R=4Acos(2b*2theta), and then R=Atan(c*theta)
