Wednesday, January 18, 2012

This was different and difficult but fun. This is successful because it good, even, very nice and creative. This whole project there was no screw up or nothing that didnt work. I would change noting on this. I learned how to draw neat and great. I like drawing a brunch of things in differnet sections. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

This was hard but different. Not really because it has no color. The drawing straight lines worked and curvy lines didnt. I would add more detail. Drawing to the two point perspective. How to draw to 2 pt perspective.
I thought was difficult but fun.  Sort of successful because its to great of a drawing. Drawing of the lines worked but not so much the coloring. Drawing better on the walls and floors. Timing really just your to tdraw it good. How to draw from 1 pt perspective.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I thought i did this right and very good and i was pleased.This was a success, because its colorful boxy. The spaces between the letters worked and drawing the lines didnt really worked.  Drawing better lines for the letters to be boxy. Drawing it to the dot or prespective. How to draw from a one point prespectice.
I thought this was a more difficult project then ones past just because not good with paint. Sort of successful but not the greatest ever. When mixing was doing good but paint in the lines didnt work. Painting inside the lines i would change. Painting inside was the most difficult part cause its very difficult on the corners.I learned how to mix paint.