Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I thought i did very well on this project, there are somethings that i need to work on and there is always room for improvement, but overall this was one of my best pieces of art. This drawing was very successful, i took my time on it and really tried taking up the whole paper and really creating a great project.The big letters and different contrasts between black and white really worked well in this drawing, it made you focus on certain letters and not so much on others but it has a two sided feel to it, some things that didn't work was the size of my letters, they could have been more precise and the same size, but i thought the different sizes worked out very well together.If i was to do this project over again i would probably do it the same way and maybe change some of the sizes but i thought it turned out very well. The most difficult part about completing this piece was the painting and choosing which letters to paint and which ones not too. i learned from this piece how to paint and really bring out the black and white texture to the drawing.
I thought i did very well on this piece. I think successful is term i would put this in but its alright. Painting inside the lines but you cant erase if you screw up. Making different ways about the letters. It was just time consuming. How nice black and white looks in painting. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I think a video game designer would be something i would love to do. I chose this because i think great to do something for kids and help enjoy life. 70,000 is the average salary for this job. The job makes scripts, plot, puzzle, levels, difficultly, characters, and scoring on the game.You need 2-4 years in audio and animation. I'll be working on a team of other designers. I would maybe choose but i have job i would like to pursue first.