Friday, June 8, 2012

I thought this simple but cool. I think its successful, very. Nothing really didn't work so that means everything worked. I would do it more complex. It wasn't really difficult to complete. How cool op art looks.

I thought was a pretty simple project to be honest. Not very i thought was hard to draw things coordinating with the image. I liked the image but my drawing was horrible. Nothing i think worked good. I would draw the lines better. Just drawing the line connecting to the images. How to connect images and drawings.

I thought i did very well on this. Its alright not too successful. The colors go good with the symbols but i blended the colors which i didn't want to do. I would make the color go together instead of being one shade next to a different one. It just took a lot of time to do with three separate pieces of paper. I learned not to mixed the water colors and how to do water colors.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

My overall thoughts is that i thought i did good on this project. Well its about Stewie so it probably is successful. I couldn't draw the bones but i could draw the character himself. I wouldn't draw as many ribs.all the bones and the skull was very hard to draw. How to draw the internal bones of the body.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Text Collage

1) This was fairly easy beside getting magazines titles that were similar. 2) It was a great project we cant see that in it this is great cause it spells out a letter. 3) Magazines pieces work but the newspaperpieces didnt.

Cell Animation

1)My overall thought on this drawing was i like drawing this and it was very different to be drawing and then painting then coloring the background. 2) This is very successful because it is a drawing of Raquel Ann Serna a very good runner. 3) Everything worked on this project and nothing didnt work so it was good. 4) I would change to have it look more like the real person and not animated people. 5) Getting the paint just right day after day that was challenging to me. 6) I learned how to take your time on painting and projects.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I thought i did very well on this project, there are somethings that i need to work on and there is always room for improvement, but overall this was one of my best pieces of art. This drawing was very successful, i took my time on it and really tried taking up the whole paper and really creating a great project.The big letters and different contrasts between black and white really worked well in this drawing, it made you focus on certain letters and not so much on others but it has a two sided feel to it, some things that didn't work was the size of my letters, they could have been more precise and the same size, but i thought the different sizes worked out very well together.If i was to do this project over again i would probably do it the same way and maybe change some of the sizes but i thought it turned out very well. The most difficult part about completing this piece was the painting and choosing which letters to paint and which ones not too. i learned from this piece how to paint and really bring out the black and white texture to the drawing.
I thought i did very well on this piece. I think successful is term i would put this in but its alright. Painting inside the lines but you cant erase if you screw up. Making different ways about the letters. It was just time consuming. How nice black and white looks in painting. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I think a video game designer would be something i would love to do. I chose this because i think great to do something for kids and help enjoy life. 70,000 is the average salary for this job. The job makes scripts, plot, puzzle, levels, difficultly, characters, and scoring on the game.You need 2-4 years in audio and animation. I'll be working on a team of other designers. I would maybe choose but i have job i would like to pursue first.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

This was different and difficult but fun. This is successful because it good, even, very nice and creative. This whole project there was no screw up or nothing that didnt work. I would change noting on this. I learned how to draw neat and great. I like drawing a brunch of things in differnet sections. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

This was hard but different. Not really because it has no color. The drawing straight lines worked and curvy lines didnt. I would add more detail. Drawing to the two point perspective. How to draw to 2 pt perspective.
I thought was difficult but fun.  Sort of successful because its to great of a drawing. Drawing of the lines worked but not so much the coloring. Drawing better on the walls and floors. Timing really just your to tdraw it good. How to draw from 1 pt perspective.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I thought i did this right and very good and i was pleased.This was a success, because its colorful boxy. The spaces between the letters worked and drawing the lines didnt really worked.  Drawing better lines for the letters to be boxy. Drawing it to the dot or prespective. How to draw from a one point prespectice.
I thought this was a more difficult project then ones past just because not good with paint. Sort of successful but not the greatest ever. When mixing was doing good but paint in the lines didnt work. Painting inside the lines i would change. Painting inside was the most difficult part cause its very difficult on the corners.I learned how to mix paint.